Sunday, July 3, 2011

catch my breath

Beautiful typography and fantastic imagery, the opening sequence of Catch Me If You Can is awe inspiring no matter how many times you watch it!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

love letters

I love stationery, perhaps it's the old school romantic in me, but there's nothing better than finding a hand written letter hidden within a pile of bills. Needless to say, when I found these cute little wooden cards from Pigeonhole I was in love.

kat draws, i love

Melbourne girl, Kat Macleod has been one of my favourite illustrators for years. Not only has she illustrate a bunch of lovely books (here and here) she also makes website Michi Girl beautiful. I can only seem to find her on the web here, but if anyone knows of her actual website,  please let me know!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

calling all pigeons

My cousin in Perth has been raving about this great little shop, Pigeonhole, for ages and over Chrissy I finally got to experience as many of these little boutiques as we could get to on foot, in 40 degree heat. Pigeonhole is one of those shops where you walk inside and instantly want to live there. I wanted to deck my apartment in everything I could see, cover myself in all of their clothes, carry my belongings home in their beautiful leather bags, and then take photos of it all with the extensive range of Lomography cameras and accessories available. Not only that, but Pigeonhole is now stocking The Impossible Project. So dust off those Polaroids and get involved!

get your cape on

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

the horse

I went to Finders Keepers markets at Carriage works a couple of weeks ago and discovered local shoe company, The Horse, creative brainchild of Gabrielle and Scott. Their shoes are whimsical and lovely, I want them all.. along with the wall of plates in the photograph above!